The story follows the plight of best selling author Cullen "Cubby" Greenwich, his wife, son, and family dog, Lassie, who are being stalked and hunted by a feared and revered national book critic, Shearman Waxx. (source)
Usually I'm not a big fan of this genre, but Koontz has a way of putting an interesting spin on horror. Despite the high body count and unbelieveably explicit descriptions of gruesome atrocities, it still manages to be thrillingly spine chilling without being too macabre. The main characters are heartwarmingly endearing and I was rooting for them all the way. Probably his best that I've read in a while. 4/5
My review (on Visual Bookshelf)
Usually I'm not a big fan of this genre, but Koontz has a way of putting an interesting spin on horror. Despite the high body count and unbelieveably explicit descriptions of gruesome atrocities, it still manages to be thrillingly spine chilling without being too macabre. The main characters are heartwarmingly endearing and I was rooting for them all the way. Probably his best that I've read in a while. 4/5
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