Basic plot
The novel begins with Massoud Behrani, a former colonel exiled from Iran after the Iranian Revolution who now works as a trash collector and convenience store clerk. Meanwhile, Kathy Nicolo, a former drug addict who is still recovering from her husband abruptly leaving her, has been wrongfully evicted from her home due to unpaid taxes the county claimed she owes. (source) When the line between right and wrong is blurred, the outcome is unpredictable.
My review (on Visual Bookshelf)
Relatively good read although the pace was at times too slow for me. The most interesting aspect to the book is probably the way it made me sway to and fro, I really couldn't decide which character was more wronged and who I should be rooting for. The ending was messy but then again sometimes messy is a good thing. Probably didn't deserve ALL the awards, but a decent book nonetheless. 3/5
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